Main Page: 4.2 megabyte pageload. Yes, megabytes. Takes forever to load.
You have some heavy lifting to do, to optimize this. The video block in the sidebar kills your load time. This call:
HTML Code:
And it is 1.2 megabytes of your total page load. I would seriously think about losing it at least for visitors.
This image:
HTML Code:
Represents almost 1 megabyte of your pageload all by itself.
You have 184 calls... and use alot of bandwidth and CPU. Just for one page load. Imagine when it is 1000s of loads a day by spiders and bots in addition to the human traffic you get.
Here's the
The Forum itself: MUCH better on byte load but lots of work needed here too. Slow loading with alot of 302 errors and a 403 as well.
Forum WebPageTest
Overall looks: Looks okay.... But not dazzling as one might expect a four megabyte page to be. Visitors don't need the video, or all the gadgets, gizmos and doodads that are cluttering your pageload - reserve those for logged in members.
You can cut your bandwidth usage in half easily. Speed is what cuts it on the web. This site and forum desperately need optimization.