Originally Posted by blind-eddie
2-3 packs a day... wow. Glad to hear you stopped, that is awesome.
I didn't really have a new years resolution, I had pneumonia in one lung, the bottoms of both lungs were collapsed...Inhaling air made me cough. Enough was enough.
If that's not incentive enough to give the cigs up - I don't know what is!
I hope you've gotten over the sickness.
Originally Posted by ozzy47
I wish I could muster up the gumption to quit, but I just am not that into doing so yet, so any attempt will of course result in failure.
You're absolutely correct. You have to want and/or be incentivized to quit or the attempt will be failure.
I had a huge incentive though. At the beginning of 2008 - I was 438 pounds. A huge monstrosity of a person -- Well - not monstrosity - but you get the point LOL ... I was steady gaining and wanted to do something about it. So I scheduled an appointment with a bariatric surgeon. Long story short - He told me I was a perfect candidate for weightloss surgery, BUT there was no way he'd operate on me as a smoker. The consultation date was April 20, 2008. The day of my last smoked cigarette.
6 years later - I'm down over 200 pounds and maintaining, feeling healthier than I ever have.