Originally Posted by katie hunter
1. I am not the OP, so I didn't create this thread, i am sharing my exp with a company that many lacked knowing their true faces.
2. You've made your point before, yes don't waste your time here and go back to XF.
3. You forgot to tell everyone that your mad at me for blocking you on skype, we did a project in the past and we moved on, you certainly can't get over that fact and will bump in several threads where i reply like this one, same can be said about Jacquii. But these personal attacks should stay off topic, you guys don't have to pop in topics i reply in to attack me. That is just how things are for both of you : ) can't change that.
1. Then create one for yourself.
2. I don't remember saying that i am gonna move to XF, many of my clients still use vB and i provide support for them.
3. Hahaha Wait, was it a multi million project? which makes me go mad at you. I don't give a damn about you/ your projects. I don't want to people to jump in to a false conclusion and you can't digest the facts. Of-course that wasn't a custom coded skin and even here you are just trying to prove that you are right with your Xenforo bashing.