Originally Posted by discipleinc
The guy who installed my site for me said he would have to scrap everything and start over to go to VB4 is this true?
How many hours did it take the gentleman to setup your initial site? Do you have a site link? I can give you a more realistic answer then.
Information would have to be reentered, but some of it can be simplified by cut and paste operations. Most of the time setting up a board is the logic (permissions) and flow of it.
If you need a working community now with high traffic then you probably need to move back to vb4 and leave vb5 as a test board. (You might want to check with vbulletin if they will allow this, since the versions differ.) On the other hand if you can lock your board down (security-wise) and wait till some of the bugs get worked out then there is probably no since it moving.