Originally Posted by katie hunter
Ok whatever keep your nonconstructive opinion. You were not criticizing Vb, you were asking us to stop dreaming about future features. See the "Difference" ? k
OK, you gotta it right.
Originally Posted by XiTCLUB
NO PROBLEM, we will do it on our own if vb can't do something about it.. and we are not wastinbg time we are sharing ideas that can be implemented. take deeper look at my forum http://www.xitclub.com/ and look at Forum Display to Thread Display i've implemented my ideas! and many things without additional mods.
as i m not vb expert but i've done the maximum i can and i m not stopping and every day try to make my site more advanced.
but if VB team could help us to implement new ideas via programming (which currently i cannot) we can make VB a totally different..
and my next target to chnage the complete look of user profile page on my forum
Good for you, i am just being realistic.
Also the thread title is just misleading