Originally Posted by socialteenz
The same applies to vB as well, if you have time check out the old threads at Licensed Customer Feedback section, now the section is almost dead. Many threads were locked down and few members were banned for bashing. So it happens in all the forums. Some threads were locked down for no reasons too.
Right for bashing, you said it, and probably for ignoring staff warnings. But you will never see on vb.com a staff going out of his or her way to bully a member and later restrict his or her account by altering the account permission making this user not able to create a reply or a topic without moderation, not able to pm his/her friends and not able to post comments on their friend's profile.
I think we are over the XF drama, it is done, gone. Lets focus on Vbulletin. This site is called Vbulletin.org not Xenforo.
Feel free to open a topic on their forum and enjoy any sort of bashing, there will definitely be so many supporters there.