Originally Posted by vbresults
I hope you exercise the same judgment on this thread as you did to my thread recently. It was very unfair for you to lock it.
It was unlocked later today, so no harm was done, at least here on VB they review moderation actions and not become bold about it =)
Originally Posted by vbresults
Is Katie even an active xF customer?
I was active in the past but i am not a customer, meaning i never bought XF because i never liked their admin system compare to VB, i still want to see what it will become in 2 years from now but judging the way their staff acts, i wouldn't want to invest and put money on something where later i know i will be mistreated badly and see hypocrite comments and excuses by their staff.
I also never seen them wanting to improve and the moment i criticized their use of redactor
http://imperavi.com/redactor/ over CKeditor
http://ckeditor.com/ as their editor of choice, i was neglected and to me they didn't appear to listen to improvements which i suggested, they have a certain path that they want to follow. They never wanted to bring anything new to the market of forums, what they want to do is use the shortest shortcut to get to the level of VB. They have no vision, no new social features, and that is why i said they just want to be "just another forum software wanna be" for the sake of business $$. They don't have a vision of bringing something new and exciting to the forum market.
Just look at how mature Discourse
http://www.discourse.org/ forum is and that should be something everyone should look at when it comes to customer's requests but then it is an open source forum and not paid, still they pay attention to advises and actually address them right away. There is a sense of community discussing each and every feature they add to it. Discussing features over there and carrying conversation is very mature, which is something i liked.
Community wise, you will be criticized if you ever disagree with certain features XF releases like the redactor, all i saw was comments that praises them, but criticize them and it is another story. You will almost hear this very often "You don't like it, don't use it" then your suggestions will render useless and you will feel that you are wasting your time.