It has exactly the options that are needed and no unnecessary padding that does nothing but make it more complex to set up and have more things to go wrong or conflict with other mods. I have no need of a bunch of reports as long as I can get an email or PM or forum post to show me that it is working as it should.
Right now I am using the following: Duplicate IP Report by BOP5; Hostname or Useragent Registration Ban; Multiple Login Detector; Proxy Alert; and finally - Spambot Stopper.
They are all quite simple to install and configure and all work perfectly fine together with no conflicts or other problems.
I previously tried Spam Hammer 1 Series which did a fine job but lacked the options of Stopper, and GlowHost Spamomatic which caused me a few problems right off the bat so I removed it.
I have yet to have so much as one spammer get through to register since setting up this final comprehensive group of blockers. And I have tested the mods I was able to test along with the help of my co-admin on the board and they all work as they should.
And I owe all of this to the link in your signature, Max! :up: