Originally Posted by SPEEDKILLZ
This was an answer.
Originally Posted by digeditor
There's a template for the Header(?) which you would put your reference (@0 etc) into.
To rotate those ads. you would need to assign them all to the same position
Here is another.
You need to do what they said and add the code from this response to additional.css template:
That will fix the positioning.
To rotate ads in the same spot you place those separate ads into the same banner position within this mod. Then in the ad position of your template you would put "<!-- @vbbanners:0@ -->".
The "0" in the variable refers to the position you want the stored banners to come from in this mod. Then once that is setup on each pageload the banners within that stored position will randomly be chosen to show at your ad location.
There are quite a few other options, but they are all explained pretty well within the documentation attached to this mod.