Originally Posted by tom w
Being a paranoid security type, any chance of getting the source code for this replacement file? Since it doesn't come from either Yahoo or VBulletin (for whatever reason) I'm reluctant to trust files from a relatively unknown sources (though it's great people like to help) which could introduce other vulnerabilities that we'd never know about.
I would be happy to share the source with another developer if their suggestions/feedback helps the community as a whole, but how would you know if I've given you the correct source? And, also being a paranoid security type with a busy vB4 forum myself, how do I know you aren't looking for vulnerabilities to exploit yourself?
I think the easy answer is if you understand Flash it's very easy to decompile the SWF yourself and look at the source. That's basically what I did to get it working anyway.
If anyone does find an issue let me know and I'll do my best to incorporate a fix.