I have tried to get the navbar to work to no avail. I tried to install this product for the navbar from
THIS post, but I get the database error from hell. Here is a snippet of the error I get because its huge. I suspect that the phrases are not getting sorted properly as pretty much all of this is related to the phrases.
Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vb4_language SET title = title, phrasegroup_global = 'a:1693:{s:9:\"1_day_ago\";s:9:\"1 Day Ago\";s:10:\"1_hour_ago\";s:10:\"1 Hour Ago\";s:12:\"1_minute_ago\";s:12:\"1 Minute Ago\";s:7:\"1_reply\";s:7:\"1 reply\";s:10:\"1_week_ago\";s:10:\"1 Week Ago\";s:11:\"VSa_APBOUPC\";s:46:\"VSa - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count\";s:14:\"a_closed_forum\";s:14:\"A Closed Forum\";s:6:\"accept\";s:6:\"Accept\";s:6:\"action\";s:6:\"Action\";s:14:\"active_members\";s:14:\"Active Members\";s:20:\"active_subscriptions\";s:20:\"Active Subscriptions\";s:15:\"activity_stream\";s:15:\"Activity Stream\";s:14:\"add_as_contact\";s:14:\"Add as Contact\";s:13:\"add_as_friend\";s:13:\"Add as Friend\";s:15:\"add_new_folders\";s:15:\"Add New Folders\";s:9:\"add_photo\";s:9:\"Add Photo\";s:16:\"add_subscription\";s:16:\"Add Subscription\";s:17:\"add_x_to_contacts\";s:25:\"Add %1$s to Your Contacts\";s:5:\"admin\";s:5:\"Admin\";s:19:\"admin_control_panel\";s:19:\"Admin Control Panel\";s:11:\"admin_login\";s:8:\"Admin CP\";s:23:\"admin_required_register\";s:129:\"The administrator may have required you to <a href=\"register.php?%1$s\" rel=\"nofollow\">register</a> before you can view this page.\";s:14:\"administrative\";s:14:\"Administrative\";s:29:\"administrator_decided_x_quiet\";s:85:\"The administrator has decided that
And there is pages of crap like the above....
}}' WHERE languageid = 1;
MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Sunday, March 2nd 2014 @ 10:05:40 AM
Error Date : Sunday, March 2nd 2014 @ 10:05:42 AM
Script : admincp/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer : admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address : xxxxxxxxx
Username : HerzeleidMeister
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
Also after this product import I get the following look on the tabs:
When I click and try to edit any of those tabs I get an error message that says:
Error: The specified 'script' is invalid.
I've checked the tab and the THIS SCRIPT is "8WR_media" on the php files as well as the tabs in the navigation in the ACP.
i also tried the plugin manager fix listed in the original post, that did not work either. I've also re-uploaded the files & uninstalled & reinstalled that did not work either.
Does anyone know how to fix this?