Hi guys
I have two styles that I am using
One for my 'classic' layout the other for a 'mobile' layout
The problem I am up against at the moment is that I can't log in or register from the mobile style (styleid=10)
If I log in on the 'classic' style (id8) that is fine and then I can switch to the mobile style and use that without problems
so url/index.php?styleid=8 is fine
url/index.php?styleid=10 you can't log in or register
Later I was hoping to put a user agent in global.php or index.php so that visitors comng with mobile devices get set to the mobile style automatically (at least most of the time) but I need to sort this problem first.
The login is via welcomeblocklogin.php which is the same file in both styles
The template for the login module is adv_portal_welcomeblock_frontpage on both styles.
I can't see any difference in these templates in the two styles, but I copied the template from style 8 (the good one) to style 10 and it made no difference
The error screen I get is attached - I get the same error page whether I click Login or Register in style 10 (but coming from login.php or register.php
It's almost like there is something wrong with the permissions to view these page in one of the styles (like guests can not view them so they can't register or log in?) but after spending a few hours on this I can't figure it out
The error message is a bit nonesensical in as much it is complaining I am not logged in while I am trying to register!!
It will almost certainly turn out to be something I have done
Could someone point me in the right direction to diagnose this problem?
Much appreciated, cheers