Originally Posted by mathforum
I'm interested in buying this because ever since vBSEO went offline the sitemap generator isn't working so we are being crawled much less than before and I don't want to lose traffic. Is another way to automatically submit sitemaps other than this plugin? I know vB has its own sitemap functionality but don't know how it compares.
DBSEO's sitemap builder was created based on the vB4 sitemap builder. The vB4 sitemap builder is vastly more powerful than vBSEO's, in terms of session handling and general functionality for the administrator, and DBSEO inherited this power.
Originally Posted by mathforum
As silly as it sounds, the "likes" function from vBSEO is something my site has come to rely on a lot. We don't use reputation at all, just have a count of likes given and received in the postbit. Is there something in dbseo that is similar? I know that there are add-ons we can use but it would be very convenient to have this transition easily.
Our Advanced Post Thanks / Like product has an importer from vBSEO Likes. We will never implement a similar function in DBSEO, not only because of the duplication issues but because we feel that this functionality is not relevant to SEO.
Unlike other products, DBSEO was designed to only include functionality that provide a direct benefit to SEO in some way or another. Research shows that links shared across social networks is the "new pingback", and such links gain a higher priority than automatically crawled links. For that reason, we implemented social sharing functionality.
Originally Posted by mathforum
Lastly, besides the sitemap problem is there any reason I need to switch from vBSEO? The URL rewrites are still working but have no idea about the SEO parts, or if the things vBSEO does are still relevant today. Maybe there is a security issue though or some other problem that makes it dangerous to keep running vBSEO?
There have been unconfirmed rumours of a new vBSEO exploit, but as I do not know of a single forum that's actually been exploited at this time I'm not sure how much credence should be given to this rumour.
That being said, the main reason to switch, IMO, is that DBSEO is supported. If you are having an issue with the mod on your site and I can't reproduce it locally, I will personally visit it and work with you to fix it, regardless if you're running the free Lite version or the paid Pro version.
I'm not sure how the support situation is with vBSEO now that the site is gone, but I would imagine that if you ran into a problem you would need to pay someone to fix it.
DBSEO is also slimmer than vBSEO, with the aforementioned non-SEO features not included. When we switched to DBSEO on dragonbyte-tech.com, we noticed a 33% speed increase. Other customers have reported smaller speed increases, or noticed no change.
Obviously this is going to depend very heavily on your server, so we make no promises or advertisements regarding speed increases, it's very much YMMV.