I'm confused.
As idea, this seems really great, virtual money as "real" reward for someone useful and/or funny posts. But execution is what I don't understand.
Now, as I can see, link leads to user's about me profile page.
Where user can post it's doge address? As I can see, there's no specific place made by this mod.
Also, why go to user's profile?
I looked a bit here:
https://www.dogeapi.com/widget_documentation You can make code that would automatically get info user provided for their doge address, you can not show doge button if user hasn't entered his address, you can have quick amount chooser, including custom amount...
I think this mod has great potential, but at the moment, I think it lacks pretty much of what it would make it easy to be used on our sites.
Please, make it into something great...