Why in the world are you using GoDaddy for hosting? I'm literally baffled because over the years out of all the sites I've worked on only 2 out of 100+ GoDaddy sites have been on par all the others had constant issues, crawled like a snail (with one person on the site mind you i.e. oversold shared server is all that boils down to), or have GoDaddy support tell you on the phone that an option is not available when you've somehow managed to navigate to that exact option in their antiquated/archaic hosting panel but it didn't work correctly or required some other change and that was why you called into ask in the first place yet it does not exist (I still LOL over that call).
Wow... just wow.. I'm shocked and surprised many of you did not catch onto the fact by now that the only thing you purchase from GoDaddy is domain names when they run the 1.99 specials otherwise you'll be calling into speak to tech support that is reading a screen of "tell them this, tell them that" replies and literally has no clue about your server, site, the issue at hand or anything else for that matter unless you're
extremely lucky with who answers the phone.
The only thing "fast" about GoDaddy is Danica Patrick in her race car on the commercials when they do still pop up on tv - imo