Originally Posted by Max Taxable
Yep the bolded is the one irritant I have had about GD, but I have found it to be universal among the large hosting companies and not unique to GD. Their call center people are about qualified for flipping burgers maybe just, know nothing, and merely stick to the script they are given which consists almost primarily of, blaming you. Over the years though, GD has learned that when I am on the phone they bypass the call center pretty quickly and escalate me to a real tech person. They have a user note on my account explaining that.
I don't have limits at all.
yeah, funny how when Mike called them they never thought to look at the logs until I suggested it and I was already looking at it.
Some hosts are better than others and gd is great for some things. I have many of my domains registered with them. The call center definitely does not know what is going on though with the servers in terms of updates usually. I could be wrong but I am pretty sure much of thier support is outsourced to India or the Philippines. Not sure though, it has been years since I have had a gd host.
In terms of limits I am talking about internal limits, amount of requests, etc. Not about bandwidth, storage, etc.