Hi guys
I've been working on this for quite some time
What I needed was to have a mobile version of my site with a completely different layout to the desktop (classic) site
My site uses vb 3.7.0 and vbAdvanced
First a little moan (then I'll get on with it lol) but I have been pretty dismayed by the lack of response to questions regarding how to create a mobile version of my site on vb and vba forums - I can't be the only one interested in this and I am not a professional programmer or developer so surely the help and expertise is out there?
Anyway here goes -
How I did it
After several aborted attempts, including having two installs of vBulletin on one database (which proved too cumbersome to implement) I went for plan C lol
Note this required a bit of php editing so I couldn't release this as a product - but maybe someone else really clever could?
1. Set up two styles
I created a new style as a child of my main site style and called it 'mobile' but I have also played with adding a completely separate style and that works too. The reason I went for a child style is because I already have so many modifications in my main 'classic' style and I wanted to inherit them in my mobile version.
I initially set both stlyes so that they are
not user selectable in the Style Manager, but in Vbulletin Options->Style and Language Settings I set 'Allow Users to Change Styles to 'Yes'
This allowed admins/mods to access the new 'mobile' style but not members, so I could play around with the new style on my live site.
2. Duplicate the CMPS tabes in the database
Without going into depth (I didn't even look into it that deep) the important thing to know here is this:
There are four tables in the database that control the CMPS page and module layout. These are:
To have two different CMPS layouts I created a another set of these tables. As I am creating a mobile style, I called these new tables adm_pages, adm_modules etc....
To do this I used phpmyadmin to run the following sql on my database
CREATE TABLE adm_pages LIKE adv_pages
INSERT adm_pages SELECT * FROM adv_pages
Run the first SQL line to create the new table and then the second one to copy data from the existing table
Repeat this procedure for the other tables (adv_modules, adv_setting, adv_settinggroup)
Now we have two sets of tables with the same layout in each
3. Set each style to use the correct CMPS tables
I want to have different CMPS layouts on the two styles.
The file php file which controls the selection and display of pages and modules is called
There is one SQL statement in this file which creates an array that is used to build the pages using the layout stored in the adv_pages file in the database
We want to select different layouts depending on which style is selected
Look at this section of code in vba_cmps_include_top.php around line 608
// ##### Now grab the page
if ($getpage == 'home')
$pages =& $vbulletin->adv_portal_home;
$pages = $db->query_first("
SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "adv_pages
WHERE name = '" . $db->escape_string($getpage) . "'
" . iif(!($permissions['adminpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel']), 'AND active = 1')
The first part of this
if ($getpage == 'home')
$pages =& $vbulletin->adv_portal_home;
Had me puzzled for a while. What I did not realize was thet when the layout settings are saved in the Admin CP they get stored into a 'datastore' table. This is read to create an 'adv_portal_home ' array
In the above code, if we are on the CMPS homepage the layout is read from this array, ELSE it is read from adv_pages
In my case I changed this code to
A: force the layout to be read from the database on the homepage
B: select adv_pages or adm_pages layouts depending on the style. My main site uses styleid=8
So we now have this code
//Select Modules Layout
if ($styleid == "8")
$cmstype = "adv"; // classic stle
$cmstype = "adm"; // mobile style
// ##### Now grab the page
$pages = $db->query_first("
SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . $cmstype . "_pages
WHERE name = '" . $db->escape_string($getpage) . "'
" . iif(!($permissions['adminpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel']), 'AND active = 1')
$pages['userperms'] = explode(',', $pages['userperms']);
$pages['modules'] = unserialize($pages['modules']);
$pages['advanced'] = unserialize($pages['advanced']);
$pages['meta'] = unserialize($pages['meta']);
Someone better than me could work out how to store both layouts for the home page in the datastore table instead, but it was beyond me (without a lot of hard work) to be honest and the above fix seems to work fine (probably looses a little bit of efficiency).
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4. Managing the CMPS layouts
OK so we now have two styles each with their own layout. But this is pretty useless unless we can manage those layouts independantly, yes?
Obviously I want to be able to use the AdminCP to manage both layouts, so what I did was create a second admincp folder!
I called this 'smadmincp' for' 'swapscene mobile admin cp' but you can call it whatever you like
I then copied all the files/folders from admincp to smadmincp
OK so now I have two control panels and can use either of them by going to either forums/admincp or forums /smadmincp
However at the moment both control panels do the same thing as each other. I want admincp to manage teh layout on my main site and smadmincp to handle the layout on my mobile site.
Folder smadmincp
The files that handle the CMPS management are the following
OK lets look at the first of these files.
So what I did was edit
smadmincp/vba_cmps_admin.php so that all SQL statements that refer to
now refer to
You have to be a bit careful here as there is also an array and variables caled adv_blahblah... and you must leave them alone. It's
only the SQL statements you need to edit.
It's pretty easy to spot what is an SQL statements and what isn't (if you don't know the difference this mod is probably not for you anyway) but I included in the attached zip file a list of line numbers I had to edit - the numbers may be different in your file/version
The includes/adminfunctions.php file
This is the other file sthat handles the CMPS layout management. This is called as an 'incude' in vba_cmps_admin.php
I created a copy of the forums/includes/vba_cmps_adminfunctions file and called it forums/includes/vba_cmps_
I then edited the vba_cmps_admin.php file in smadmincp around line 303
to include this new file 'smadminfunctions' like so:
require_once(DIR . '/includes/vba_cmps_smadminfunctions.php');
Now we need to edit all the SQL in includes/vba_cmps_smadminfunctions.php to refer to the adm_ tables instead of the adv_ tables
Again it is pretty easy to spot the SQL statements but again I have listed my edits in the attached zip
OK so now we can control the layout of the mobile site from smadmincp folder and the main site from admincp. ALl other functions of the two admin panels are the same as each other, so you could use either panel for things like managing users, forums, styles, phrases etc