The applet that is executed three times hourly is a lengthy perl file. When the applet concludes, it performs a gen_applet() ... and then replaces %applet here% in the parse files for the actual applet code and renames the file without the parse in its name.
My tracking is ... if I give the perl file a code on where else to send the updated applet info ... perhaps create a template to stick the completed applet coding into (it is lengthy), and then refer to it appropriately in the "header" -- my problem would be solved. It seems like a mighty mountain to climb for us php rookies....
Just read your response Sparkz. Something tells me that may do the trick -- but -- I'm clueless on where and how to use the fopen and fread comments. You also suggest that I "put the content of the file in a var, which you could use in your template." Okay, the perl coding I see is for "replace_applet" ... and I see how the programmer developed that. I could place the contents of the applet in a "simple.txt" file. How could I get the template to read the contents of that file to be used in the header? Thanks!!!