Originally Posted by inigo
I have a question regarding the likehood new option.
How is it calculated? I suppose is a number of times per period of time, isn' it?
For example I have had a banner in Pos 0 for the last 3 months, with 30.000 impressions, and 100 likehood, and now I add a new Pos 0 banner, with likehood 80.
One has 30.000 impressions and the other 0, but I suppose the script is calculating the number of impressions per time unit, so from the moment i add the second banner, the previous 30.000 impressions of banner nr.1 are not counted .
Is this correct?
Yes, what has occurred in the past will have no weight on what occurs in the future.
100 = Normal (Default) Weight
80 = Less Weight, it will show 20% fewer times in the future than your banner weighted 100