Originally Posted by ozzy47
Perhaps you have something else going on with your site, try a scan with this, http://sucuri.net/ and see if you get any results.
I did the scan and there was no problem. Thanks Ozzy for the link. I am going to scan regularly.
Originally Posted by Seven Skins
From addthis script remove this line and hostgator should leave you alone after this.
<script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true};</script>
Originally Posted by evelynpriscilla
By changing the code addressbar URL = false. Now the strange characters are gone.
Thanks Seven Skins, Add this was the problem. I waited for a week to give update because I waited to see if hostgator sends me any notification. Instead of removing this line, I changed the true to false.
Thank you both once again. :up: I was very tensed.