I installed this Mod back when it was first released and then uninstalled it because it didn't fit my needs at that time . The problem is that when I use the Suspect File Versions tool i Get these file not found errors when all other ad ons show File not recognized as part of vBulletin.
vbyellowpage.php File not found
vbyellowpage.php File not found
admin_vbyellowpage.php File not found
adminfunctions_vbyellowpage.php File not found
class_dm_vbyellowpage_entry.php File not found
class_vbyellowpage_entry.php File not found
version_vbyellowpage.php File not found
I am interested in trying the mod again since I see the updates but I am concerned with the idea that it seems to be reconised as part of the main software unlike other mods and also what tables are in my sql that may be looking for the files causing a hanging process.