[RESOLVED] Weird problem after upgrade.
I upgraded my vB4 today to most current version and have been experiencing some very weird behaviour by the forum since then. Not just me, my members as well. Any time a topic/thread gets to be 20 posts (total) long when someone posts the 21st post it 'disappears', the thread will show as having 3 pages (20 posts per page) but if you click 'page 3' then page 2 simply reloads, the post shows in the vB_posts table in the d/b, but no matter what we try we can not 'see' the post (or any replies attempted after the 21st one) in the forum.
It's weird because it's ONLY the 21st post, everything works a charm until a thread gets to that point.
--------------- Added 12 Feb 2014 at 01:24 ---------------
new or rather 'last' posts are also not being shown as the last post in a thread on Forum Home, Forum view/sub forum view, nor the Activity Stream.