Originally Posted by squidsk
I'm trying to understand, you had a site on vb3.x with a custom theme and some products installed. You've upgraded to vb4.x and now many products you've installed are not working and the the theme is broken?
If that is the case this isn't a big surprise as there are substantial changes between vb3.x and vb4.x. For the products you'll need to install vb4 versions of the products if they exist or find alternatives and the theme will need to be redone since styles have totally changed from vb3 to vb4.
Actually no sorry I had a custom style designed for my vbulletin 4 site about a year ago the older version of vb 4. I just opened another site with vb 4 the latest version. The mods that are working on my original site are not all working properly on my new site.