Hi everyone,
This week brings a bugfix update for
DragonByte Classifieds (v1.0.3) several JavaScript issues as well as some fixes to submitting/editing listings including their attachments. One on going issue we've identified has been with listings made before v1.0.2 not updating their attachments correctly. The issues behind that were resolved in v1.0.2 and this v1.0.3 update, so any images that aren't ordered correctly can be fixed by editing the
Edit Image Order.
Thank you again for some great feedback and assistance in tracing bugs. We're also building a nice list of feature requests we'll be assessing for future updates. Watch this space for the latest news on planned features.
The full list of changes in v1.0.3 can be found below.
Remember, we have installed the latest Beta of Classifieds here on DBTech. We have created some 'fake' items and have left PayPal in Sandbox mode so that no real money changes hands allowing anyone to test how the system works. We look forward to your feedback. Go here for the latest listings:
View Listings - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons.
To create a PayPal Sandbox account you need to head over to this page:
https://developer.paypal.com/webapps...tions/accounts. Once you login with your regular PayPal account you can then create a sandbox testing account to use to 'purchase' the items on our Classifieds.
Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: Issues with Rewriting not working correctly
Fixed: Invalid Country error when selecting a country for a postage option
Fixed: Ordering of countries and states now correctly orders by the name and not the ID
Fixed: Error causing the price to change when value is over 999
Fixed: Missing Listing Type information in the form when previewing an existing listing before submitting the edit
Fixed: Offers List width adjusted to provide more room for usernames
Fixed: Offers List not displaying the correct bids
Fixed: Prevent the Return/Enter key from submitting a buy-it-now on an auction
Fixed: Removing the main attachment image while leaving other attachments causes the default 'No Image' image to display on the View Listings pages
Changes To Existing Features:
Change: Adding new attachments no longer changes the original attachment/image