Installed this last night. works great on both my forums. using 4.2.0 PL3 and 4.2.2. Think they are great. Been looking for this a long time. Took me a while to find it. Glad I did.
You guys have a lot great ideas for combining to stop the spammers,thanks for sharing that.
I do however, have a question. I can't seem to get the registering member out of the moderation when registering. How do you guys do that. I want my members to be able to go right on in and start being active, not wait on me to accept them.
I have the random question, the email verification to activate, then it puts them into moderation to be accepted. How the heck do I get around that last part. What setting am I missing. I figure it is something simple I just havent seen. Please any insight would be grateful, I am going nuts trying to figure it out.