Originally Posted by bzcomputers
No. The code belongs in the "Text" field for the banner (I believe your ID10).
Actually i have nothing in my TEXT field but have just image banner with destination URL (
http://example dot com) and image/flash (
http://.tinypic dot 4.jpg)
my text field is empty...i have HTML codes but simply using URL for destination site and image/flash
<table align="center"><tr><td><img src="http://www.yoursitename.com/ad-banners/banner4.jpg" /></td><td><img src="http://www.yoursitename.com/ad-banners/banner5.jpg" /></td><td><img src="http://www.yoursitename.com/ad-banners/banner6.jpg" /></td></tr></table>
Originally Posted by bzcomputers
Your confused? I think you're confusing me now! I was referring to deleting the ID positions for the banners that are no longer needed because they will now be combined under the one ID.
I got it, but am not using text filed....i understood your intention of using all 3 banners under same ID, so asking me to delete other ID's