Originally Posted by dr.reddy
1. I need to place this code in below navbar template beside <!--@vbbanners:0@-->??
No. The code belongs in the "Text" field for the banner (I believe your ID10).
Originally Posted by dr.reddy
2. you said, Put what you have currently in Banner 4...5...6...what i should put there exactly? is it...any example
<table align="center"><tr><td><img src="http://www.yoursitename.com/ad-banners/banner4.jpg" /></td><td><img src="http://www.yoursitename.com/ad-banners/banner5.jpg" /></td><td><img src="http://www.yoursitename.com/ad-banners/banner6.jpg" /></td></tr></table>
Originally Posted by dr.reddy
3. why should i delete 5 and 6, how can i redirect to my website URL and image source URL...little bit confused here....example i have banner 4, 5, 6 under 10,11,12 ID at position 0,
Your confused? I think you're confusing me now! I was referring to deleting the ID positions for the banners that are no longer needed because they will now be combined under the one ID.