Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
@ bzcomputers I'd like all of your posts for helping dr.reddy if it would let me, can only like one for now until I share more "like love" so instead a shout out to you for being super nice and helping him today!
^ Go back in settings and change that BACK to the previous value, it should always read <!--@vbbanners:%d@-->
If you currently have it set to: <!--@vbbanners:0@--> then it will not work, it must have the %d.
To explain the mod knows that the %d represents a # i.e. the banner list ID#.
That is correct, that will now show the banners (all banners you have added to LIST 0) from list 0 in that location. If more than one banner they will randomly rotate in.
Add more banners to List 0 OR manage the other list and add in banners to those list, you only add more code to the template i.e. <!--@vbbanners:0@--> and <!--@vbbanners:1@--> if you are showing the banners from list 0 AND list 1.
Edit: Ahh and this mod rotates the banners on page load/refresh there is currently no timer function.
Originally Posted by bzcomputers
For side by side change banner 4 to this:
<table align="center"><tr><td>Put what you have currently in Banner 4 here</td><td>Put what you have currently in Banner 5 here</td><td>Put what you have currently in Banner 6 here</td></tr></table>
If you want spacing between the banners add this code between each banner code above:
<td style="width: 20px;"> <td>
Adjust "20" to any spacing width you would like.
You can then delete Banners 5 & 6.
I have one doubt here about this code
<table align="center"><tr><td>Put what you have currently in Banner 4 here</td><td>Put what you have currently in Banner 5 here</td><td>Put what you have currently in Banner 6 here</td></tr></table>
sorry but I have few qs on this
1. I need to place this code in below navbar template beside <!--@vbbanners:0@-->??
2. you said, Put what you have currently in Banner 4...5...6...what i should put there exactly? ..any example
3. why should i delete 5 and 6, how can i redirect to my website URL and image source URL...little bit confused here....example i have banner 4, 5, 6 under 10,11,12 ID at position 0,
I think i need to read pdf little more...yes am thinking of avoiding duplicate banners to show more often...
4. As shown in demo by coder here,
http://www.pagerobot.com/pub/rbs/rbs_01.htm where is ad_header_logo in AD templates as shown in demo...i think it is not present in VB 4.2.2...am also thinking of placing banners above logo...