i use this version with fresh uploaded files on my vb 3.8.6
and i see white page on awards.php and awards_memberlist.php
any idea whats going on ?
when Iadd at the begining ini_set("display_errors", true); i can see:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare construct_depth_mark() (previously declared in /home/xxxx/domains/xxxxxx/public_html/awards.php:99) in /home/xxx/domains/xxx/public_html/includes/adminfunctions.php on line 1832
here is line: 99
function construct_depth_mark($depth, $depthchar, $depthmark = '')
// repeats the supplied $depthmark for the number of times supplied by $depth
// and appends it onto $depthmark
for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++)
$depthmark .= $depthchar;
return $depthmark;
// end functions