Originally Posted by cellarius
I'm not really sure, but given this is in direct quoted reply to my post where I describe why I think moderators are important on my forum, I feel compelled to think you mean this as a direct reply? I can assure you then that my forum neither has 82 members only nor does it have 20 moderators. So snigger all you want, pulling absurd examples does not really help your point.
Not at all. It's just a general comment about the opposite extremism to mine.
Originally Posted by cellarius
That indeed is a stupid thing to do. But equally stupid would be to do it differently just for the sake of doing it differently.
Which, no one does because 99% of people never give a thought to stuff like this, they just sheepishly and like cattle, do what most everyone else does. The 1% who do give thought to it, actually have good and valid reasons for doing things a little bit differently. Umm, because they have given it some intelligent thought and stuff.