Here's The Real Reason vBSEO Abandoned Ship
I've been wondering what the real reason is that vBSEO shut down. I've read a few things like the topic at but these are not very revealing.
In my private vBulletin consultancy 3 of 4 clients running vBSEO 3.6.0 have been hacked and had the redirect injected.
This leads me to believe that the reason the vBSEO guys really took off was because of the liability incurred by this.
Maybe the owners were fighting over whether or not to send out a proper alert that vBSEO 3.6.0 was indeed carrying a huge security hole.
Their business can now be seen as a hot potato and they're selling it to the biggest sucker. This could be an alternative reason for the disputes between the vBSEO owners.
I recall at some point a staff member said that vBSEO 3.6.0 had no such vulnerability, and they later released a patch fixing this vulnerability.
Those are my thoughts. What does everyone else think.