I am using VB 4.2.2
The code found in my (custom template) bbcode_code and bbcode_html are different
than what you are instructed for find as below:
<div class="bbcode_container">
<div class="bbcode_description">{vb:rawphrase html_code}:</div>
<pre class="bbcode_code"<vb:if condition="$vboptions['codemaxlines']"> style="height:<vb:if condition="$blockheight<=$vboptions['codemaxlines']">{vb:math {vb:math {vb:raw blockheight}+2}}*{vb:stylevar mid_fontSize}}<vb:else />{vb:math {vb:math {vb:raw blockheight}+1}*{vb:stylevar mid_fontSize}}</vb:if>;"</vb:if>>{vb:raw code}</pre>
Can I replace it, I want to conform before making any changes.
What is the meaning for
between the code.
Thanks in advance.