Originally Posted by BBNZowner
I'd just like to note the one I produced is not the one on the forum, as I had not used the images requested (as I couldn't produce a quality image with them - no problems though, the owner can use what ever they like and should because a forum really is a representation of a part of them ). Just to avoid any confusion for anyone viewing.
Edit: This was the 5 minute free logo I produced visible here: http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/...ps678762da.png
Not a style I'm a fan of so I would never charge for something like this. They only take a few minutes anyway.
As for feedback, the images are really holding back the design s. Anything on a forum should be as high res as possible (usually around 300DPI) and in PNG format if possible. Especially with new monitors and the amazing resolution many come with, any flaws are highlighted. Even I have trouble keeping up with the quality demanded by screens produced by the likes of Apple or samsung.
On the other side of that pancake, I am seeing more and more forums lately with 5, 6, 7 and even 8 MB pageload sizes, due to grossly over-imaging.
Yes, MB. That's megabytes - one million bytes.
By contrast, typical vBulletin out of the box pageload is less than 600 KB. That's kilobytes.