Content Keywords
The following list of keywords are what Google is picking up for my site, obviously there are quite a few in there that I don't want, is there a way to stop Google picking up these words as Keywords ? I'm guessing the answer is "NO" because they are popular words in posts !
Keyword Significance
1. football
2. search
3. forum (2 variants)
4. rants
5. vbulletin
6. blogs
7. board
8. cancel
9. copyright
10. log
11. logo
12. moment
13. powered
14. reserved
15. rights
16. sections
17. sign
18. soon
19. sorry
20. testing
The ones I've highlighted seem directly related to VB, is there any way I can rid of them.
Also this may be linked and it may not, does someone have a list of URL's to disallow bots via robots.txt please ?