Originally Posted by Kat-2
I am sorry I am being so much trouble.
Okay...that theme is #90 on my board, but I don't know where you want me to put the new code in..
Ok so use this code:
PHP Code:
if (STYLEID == 90) {
$vsacssfix = '<style type="text/css">
#vsacb_messagearea {
background:#ffffff !important;
background-color:#ffffff !important;
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $vsacssfix;
You must paste that code when you make a new plugin so do this:
- Login to Admin Control Panel.
- On left column scroll to find "Plugins & Products".
- Now click the little arrow it opens-up/drops-down a menu.
- Now click Add New Plugin.
- Now key in the title like I stated a few posts above.
- Now fill in the other info i.e. execution order (set to 5) and the Hook Location (use the drop-down to select the location, scroll to find "parse_templates" and finally paste the code I supplied in the code box, make sure the plugin is set to Active = yes then save.
^ Doing the above results in the new plugin being active and it should change the background color of the chatbox style in styleid #90 (if this is the same style you edited before when we were in the vsa templates it will not change, make sure you are changing the chatbox background in a different style that needs it done etc).
No trouble at all, as you can see I support much more than my style sometimes which is not a problem
