Originally posted by Ruth
KevinG... very nice hack 
i'm thinking to use this as a gradutation count down....
users can choose the year from a drop down menu during registration
then the count down appears in their profile
is this possible to hack it even more for that purpose ?
Thanks Ruth. We could hack it some more if you'd like but that one would get away from it's simplicy
We can discuss via PM here to get your version. Sound good?
(or do others want this as well?)
Originally posted by ~*Julie*~
Kevin I installed the hack on my site, everyone LOVES it!! I was wondering if you had a site link or something we could give your credit for? Thank you!
You're welcome. I did this and then searched here to see if anyone else already did it. During the search, you name popped up so I just decided to post it. I don't need to have my credit linked from your site. Mine is a private site for family members and strangers might freak them out - LOL. Just tell them it's from the baby stork

If my wife is expecting again ( oh I hope not ), we'll stop by. Deal?