After reading
this thread and seeing what kh99 said I had a go at trying to make it work, and I succeeded in getting the display order working but the expiry time eludes me, though I only wanted the ordering functionality anyway.
It works on 4.2.0 PL4 so not sure how or even if it will work on your version but you can give it a try if you want.
After Importing the Product copy the below into
threadadmin_editthread and paste it before the div containing $posticons.
Paste this:
<!-- Advanced Sticky Options Begin -->
<h3 class="blocksubhead">{vb:rawphrase sticky_options}</h3>
<div class="section">
<div class="blockrow">
<label for="displayorder">{vb:rawphrase sticky_order}</label>
<input type="text" class="primary textbox" name="sticky_order" value="{vb:raw threadinfo.sticky_order}" size="5" maxlength="3" />
<span class="stickyorderdesc">{vb:rawphrase sticky_order_desc}</span>
<p class="description"></p>
<!-- Advanced Sticky Options End -->
before this:
<div class="section">
{vb:raw posticons}
Worth disabling the Sticky Expiry Scheduled task too seeing as that doesn't function.