Originally Posted by massiveblack
I installed as directed, then adjusted the settings and pushed save. I checked the ftp and no folder was made. The pdf instruction file says to put the php file in the root of the forums but the zip has it in the includes. I first put it in includes then imported the xml. nothing happens....no imported folder is created...nothing happens. i also tried it inside the root, per the pdf instructions. nothing happens. please advise. thank you!!
Please make sure you understand how to install vbulletin products. There are several guides on this site and installing mine is not more difficult than installing any other product.
The imported folder is not created and as stated in the guide, you will have to choose or make one on your own and then verify it has the access rights to write new files and folders.
And, finally, it may take quite some time before it creates images, since it will parse all posts and unless it does not find any, it will not create anything.