Query to alter displaygroupid for members of additional usergroup?
Hello to all,
Here is what I have. I have a usergroup called "VIP". When members use the VB subscription feature to donate to the site, they are made "Additional Members" of the Forum Supporter usergroup.
What I want is for these member's usernames to be green on the Who's Online List.
However, username markups only affect "Primary Members" of a usergroup. IF a particular member of the Forum Supporter usergroup happens to have enough snap to look in the User CP, they can choose to identify themselves with the Forum Supporter usergroup and then the markup works. The problem is, few even know about that feature, nor would they mess with it if I mentioned it.
I want to keep the users as Additional members of the Registered Users primary usergroup but I want to force their profile to identify them with VIP usergroup. The only way I can think to do this is to run a manual query on the "user" table. However, I cannot figure out the structure of the query and this site:
is pretty worthless in my opinion for someone trying to learn the basics. No, I am not a programmer.
Currently, for users that are VIP I have these conditions:
usergroupid = 2 (Registered User)
membergrouids = 13 (VIP)
displaygroupid = 2
and I want to change that for all Forum Supporters to the following:
usergroupid = 2 (Registered User)
membergrouids = 13 (VIP)
displaygroupid = 13
It is crucial that the query check to ensure that the usergroupid = 2 AND membergroupids = 13 before making the update to usergroupid because there are some other usergroups that might get selected and I don't want to mess with their displaygroupid.
I would really like to have this as a PHP script so that I can add it to the Scheduled Task manager to run once a day for new members of the Forum Supporter usergroup. It would be sweet if it could be done via the subscription creation, but there is no option for controlling the displaygroupid that I know of.
I would really appreciate anyone being able to help me out.
Best Regards