Originally Posted by Bryan Ex
I'm simply stating I'm pretty disappointed in the lack of credibility and responsibility.
That is exactly what I was trying to convey when I said this:
Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
However if someone doing the hiring did thorough enough research they would see more than 1 negative feedback in the paid request area regarding the coder in question.
I just don't see how some people will not go through the "trouble" of researching someone who will have full access to their site before hiring them yet when they are scammed they have more than enough time to take action - If they put that amount of effort and sheer tenacity into it beforehand then there would be far less threads of this nature. If you're simply visiting their profile, seeing a list of modifications they released and assuming that equals the type of person you're looking for to do work for you then you're not doing your job to protect your site and your hard earned money.
However do not let assumptions fly and assume that I'm saying that since
you were cheated that
you deserved it, I simply meant only
you can protect yourself.
When I said you just now I meant anyone reading this as well and Bryan, all of you be safe.
We offer an area to find someone who may be right for you, it's your responsibility to have faith and trust in them, we are not the ones providing them login details to our site, you are. I cannot stress this enough like I have above - do your research and don't assume anything about the person you're hiring.