I fully understand what your concerned is Badge and I did take the time to read that thread and saw your comments there as well. But for you to come on here just completely blasting them was really not necessary.
Like I said, you could of just said, "hey if you guys use this app, please be aware of this bug with the registration process" then explained what is going on, posted a link to that thread and thats it.
But you decided to say that they are forcing people to play "blackmail" money ..lol..come on man.
I haven't had "one" single spam account through tapatalk because I took the time myself to make sure that it doesn't happen. If I was able to do that, why can't you or others?, that is my question.
It is a free version you are using and you have to understand and realize and also accept the fact that you are "probably" going to get something you don't like or something is going to not work how you would want it to.
Like I said, I am sure others will appreciate the fact you brought this up here on vb.org but the way you did it was just not cool.
Have a good one.