Originally Posted by max1982
i got the CMS on the forum but its kind of crap, what you mean posting news to n4g.com?
the theme i bought it
n4g.com is a very large gaming website and allows its contributors to post news relating to gaming. You can post news, articles, opinions, blogs etc which link straight back to your site
So my suggestion is create news relating to gaming on your site with your CMS (which is the subject matter of your site) and submit to n4g for approval.
I have posted about 8 news articles, with average referrals/hits to my site of about 1000 per day. Your google rank will improve as well.
I have been selective of the news I have posted, as obviously certain news will bring you more hits.
sign up to n4g and give it a ago, it has been by far the most effective way I have improved my hits and registrations.
What CMS do you use, the standard Vbulletin 1? If so it is not too bad, that is what I use too.
Also, here you can check my profile on n4g.com, check to the right and you can see
my news submissions, and how they link to my site.
Ok I see your cms, it is the VB one. I mean I am no expert but you could improve the front page, too much going on IMO
Also, too many threads that you have created with no replies. You are making the forum look like a ghost town. first impressions are good but dig a little deeper and browse to one of many threads you have created and see 0 replies is an instant put off IMO.