Originally Posted by KDawg08
Why would I get this issue now? And not before? It's the same hosting, same server etc..
Fixed thank you. Still curious why i would get this issue now, and i've never had it before, and the config file hasn't been modified in months.
Don't forget that often times hosting companies upgrade php and/or mysql versions heack they even roll out whm/cpanel/plesk/phpmyadmnu updates every so often to countless servers and normally email clients of upcoming changes etc it really depends on the host and their methods of operation. It's also not uncommon for them to not notify you either then alas you're logging in the next day wondering why all of a sudden an error message is present on your forum.
Varies by host.
Originally Posted by ForceHSS
Being rude after I and others are trying to help does not help you on these forums we all do this on or free time and we dont have to help if we dont wish to
Ahh I think simple misreading of post, I think the winky was there to be nice not smart aleck like etc remember sometimes w/ just text it's hard to convey tone and gestures are of course out of the question entirely on forums
