Originally Posted by tanzeelniazi
What is Redirect URL: which url can i add ? explain please
Redirect to spiders own ip? can i tick Yes ?
Spider List : Default Use Question: Baidu (Bing.com) Yandex: yahoo.com Its mean All traffic from Bing and yahoo Banned?
Redirect URL is the url spiders will be directed to if they are in your "Spider List". If you select "Yes" to redirect to the spider's own IP this will override any url you set beneath it. You use one or the other.
No, all spider traffic from Bing and Yahoo will not be banned they are different services and have different spiders. Yes, there is some overlap in technologies used by some search engines but this will not affect you being scanned and ranked by Bing and Yahoo.
I'm not sure why you made a direct correlation between Baidu (Chinese search engine) and Bing, then Yandex (Russian search engine) and Yahoo but they are all completely different services wholly owned by different companies ...for now.