Panjo announces a bunch of updates to its vBulletin classifieds mod & companion
mobile app for hobbyists, enthusiasts, and collectors.
1) For sellers who do not wish to use PayPal to collect a buyer's payment, Panjo now allows the seller to easily opt out of PayPal payment collection. The seller simply needs to click, "I'd rather collect payment on my own."
2) For sellers who do not want to promote their listings to users of or the Panjo iOS mobile application, Panjo now allows sellers to easily limit the distribution of their listing to their primary vBulletin forum. The seller simply needs to click the check box next to the option that reads, "Do not show this listing outside of [forum name]."
3) A buyer can now set how many listings he wants to see at a time.
4) A buyer can now limit search results to a radius from a location.
5) A buyer can now set a min and max price range on search results.
6) A buyer can now limit search results by age of listing.
7) Each listing now has a view counter.