Thanks for the compliments folks and thank you neo for the screenshot.

If we apply some css to it, they can come out looking mush better.
Originally posted by Sparkz
Not that it has anything to do with the hack but javascript IS clientside 
Oh, and for changing the field in the DB to LONGTEXT... Why on earth would you need to be able to fit 4 GB in there? Changing it to text should be MORE than sufficient, unless you plan on having replacements bigger than 64kb, which I doubt anyone would ever need...
Not that the field itself will end up bigger by the change, (unless you actually fill it, that is) but I was just wondering why it had to be LONGTEXT and not just text...
I really do not know why I used LONGTEXT. I could have used something smaller but as you said, it will not use any more than what you fill into that field. I just needed to increase that default to fit this one in. TEXT would give us more than enough for this one. Maybe we can use the LONGTEXT for [mp3=song.mp3]My Song[/mp3] - LOL
Originally posted by Logician
Just one tiny concern in my side: You (and your members) will use the vbcode for a few messages only, however the java code in the header will be loaded with every page (not just for messages either, with even in calender or user CP pages) in your board.
Maybe it could be nice to check the message inside "showthread.php" before displayed whether vbcode exits or not and if it exits, make the neccessary parsing inside the same script again.
Ever seen a Disney site? These countdowns are wanted in their sigs

I just stuck it into the header so every page would have the ability to use the JS. By making it available in the header, the main code would not have to be repeated on every post that is using it. Like you said, I could have modified showthread but that would make installation of this a little bit harder and also make it just another re-mod when updates from vB come along again.
In other words, I was lazy
Originally posted by Wildthinks
Hi KevinG,
looks beautiful, but don't work with European time Format?
Could you explain me, how must I write the Statement that works with European Time? I have try so many, doesn't work...
The next one, works with Opera?
I don't know exactly...
The last ist, you should replace the
<script type="text/javascript">
because I get errors in my IE5.5....
I do not get any errors with my IE5.5 here. I'll try what you suggested. Can you tell me about "European time Format"? I do not know this and would like to get it working for you. The only browser I have is IE 5.5 and IE 5.0 here so I can not test the others but would appreciate anyone that can for us.