nah, that just multiplied the weird number by 100
ie, user with 170 rep and 1,739 posts gets "17,000.0"
rep/posts should be 0.097, or if multiplied by 100 to get that % figure, 9.7%
i tried for testing purposes:
$post['tip_ratio'] = vb_number_format($post['posts'], 1);
and the output was going to be just the post count, but instead it was however many thousands of posts, ie. a user with 2,230 posts would get "2", however, a user with less than 1000 posts would get their correct post count
$post['tip_ratio'] = vb_number_format($post['reputation'], 1);
on the other hand would display the correct reputation # no matter what, so the issue is just calculating the correct post count variable...