Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
There's userid and receiveduserid columns in the APTL dbtech_thanks_entry table as well.
Sure, but why does DBTech maintenance not update the receiveduserid column properly?
VB maintenance did it right assigning the posts to the new userprofile (post count, search index, etc...)
I have assigned all the posts of a deleted user to a new ID, thus the new user(ID) inherits all the posts and all the thanks they have got.
Should your maintenance script not recollect all the posts a user has made and their thanks they have got? The thanks are still there....MEANS belong actually to the new user.
The description:"This will recalculate how many thanks / likes / dislikes a user should have. Best ran after the above Cleanup function has been ran."
It actually does not. Or am I missing something important?
Well, what happens to the receiveduserid column in the APTL dbtech_thanks_entry table after the user has been deleted via admin CP? Do they remain there (original userID)?