I've been searching for an answer to this issue here for some time and don't see a mention of it.
We just upgraded to vB 4.2.2. All of the settings links/tools for the Arcade display and are working fine in the AdminCP. The index.php file has had the Arcade coding entered after "<?php".
I've re-uploaded the files,
including grabbing the updated arcade.php file from the link. The product has been reimported.
The main page of the Arcade displays properly, nothing missing including graphics, high scores, games, categories, etc.
When clicking on any link from the main Arcade page the following URL is displayed and the pages are blank, white:
http://www.oursite.com/forum/arcade.php?&act=Arcade&gsearch=G&search_type=1 (Edited for site name. I'm assuming the "G&search" changes according to alphabetical category selected.)
Should that be the correct URL? Does anyone know why this is occurring? Thanks for any insight.