Originally Posted by BasilFawlty
I'm kinda on the fence about this plugin. I generally like the idea and it does make the Classifieds seem more "professional." Currently I just use a set of forums to allow my members to post "For Sale", "Wanted", or "Trade" threads. Mine is a car-related site so I have several forums for different car models. When a member posts an ad in my classifieds forums, they are required to select one of three thread "prefixes" "For Sale", "Wanted" or "Trade". Obviously for the latter two categories there would be no "transaction fee". Seems that currently, if I link Panjo to my forums, I loose the ability for them to post "Wanted" or "Trade" ads. So, my question/suggestion is:
Does Panjo have plans to implement different ad types? (e.g., a user could select whether their ad is a "For Sale, Wanted, Trade" ?).
In the meantime, is there a way to have Panjo put a "For Sale" Prefix in from of a thread title if integrated into a forum?
Thanks in advance.
Panjo does have a feature that can affix a prefix to the thread posts the plugin creates.
Panjo supports a listing with a price of $0 for those who INSIST on using it for WTT and Wanted listings. However, we really don't recommend that. We highly recommend that you create a new sub forum for WTT and Wanted thread posts. In the meantime, Panjo IS working on adding features to handle WTT and Wanted listings. Panjo has a test running with some partners right now to see what direction we should take those tools to make them as valuable as possible for members.
Feel free to give us a call if you want to discuss any of this in more detail: 1 (424) 272-0291